Design Your Decathlon EVENT 1 Models ATHENA Exterior Floor Plan INCLUDED ITEMS: RV Certified 24 ft Bumper pull trailer F-WAVE roofing Smart siding exterior painted Painted Interior 2’8” Outswing exterior door Butcher block countertops Luxury Vinyl flooring 12k HVAC mini split 2 Burner Cooktop ZEUS Exterior Floor Plan INCLUDED ITEMS: RV Certified 24 ft Bumper pull trailer F-WAVE roofing Smart siding exterior painted Painted Interior 2’8” Outswing exterior door Butcher block countertops Luxury Vinyl flooring 12k HVAC mini split 2 Burner Cooktop POSEIDON Exterior Floor Plan INCLUDED ITEMS: RV Certified 32 ft Bumper pull trailer 3 section roof design (gable, gable, hip) F-WAVE roofing Smart siding exterior painted Painted Interior 2’8” Outswing exterior door Butcher block countertops Luxury Vinyl flooring 18k Multihead HVAC mini split MODELS* Athena ($79,500) Zeus ($89,570) Poseidon ($112,570) TRAILER SIZE 24' 28' ($8,950) 32' ($13,050) TRAILER SIZE 32' EVENT 2 ExteriorRoof Design Standard Roofline Roof Design Dormer ($890) Offset Ridge Roofline ($2,140) Roof Color Colonial Hampton Sonoma Woodland Siding Smart Siding Cedar T & G ($4,950) Siding Smart Siding Cedar T & G ($5,870) Siding Smart Siding Cedar T & G ($6,800) Siding Smart Siding Cedar T & G ($6,800) Smart Siding White Other Smart Siding OtherCedar T&G Super Cedar Dark New Dark Gray Chocolate Other Cedar T & G OtherTrim Color Metallic Gold Metallic Silver Metallic Bronze Metallic Blue Black Other Trim Color OtherDoor Type No Glass Half Glass Full Glass Door Color Black Silver Red Other Door Color OtherEVENT 3 InteriorWall / Ceiling Color White Other Wall / Ceiling Color OtherFlooring Heirloom Pine Scratch Stone Choice Oak Fresh Oak Countertop Maple Cherry Walnut Stone ($850) Other Countertop Long Maple Cherry Walnut Stone ($1,050) Other Countertop OtherCabinet Color Metallic Gold Metallic Silver Metallic White Metallic Blue Metallic Red Other Cabinet Color OtherHardware Finish Brushed Gold Brushed Nickel Matte Black Other Hardware Finish OtherEVENT 4 UpgradesWasher / Dryer None Combo ($1,950) Stacked ($2,950) Washer / Dryer None Combo ($1,950) Water Heater 30 Gallon Tankless Water Heater ($3,500) Skylights None Yes ($1,050) Skylights Number NeededKitchen Sink 17' Drop Sink 24' Farmsink ($320) Farmsink Color White Stainless Steel Other Farmsink Color OtherCeiling Fan None Retractable 34/36" Fan ($350) Retractable 42" Fandelier ($420) Ventilation System None Lunos e2 ($1,560) Shower Enclosure None Shower Enclosure ($1,650) Toilet Dual Flush Toilet Composting Toilet ($1,450) Folding Bartop None Yes ($420) Over Sink Shelving None Yes ($380) Stair Railing Standard Wood Cable Railing ($2,000) Cooktop 2 Burner Cooktop Under Counter Oven None Electric Oven ($1,100.00) Door Blinds None In Glass Blinds ($300.00) Microwave / Convection Oven Microwave Microwave / Convection Oven Combo ($400.00) Backsplash None Tile ($950.00) Exterior Stairs Standard 2-Step 3-Step With Railing ($300) Hoses & Lock Bundle None Coupler lock, Water hose, Sewer hose + Sidewinder ($150.00) French Doors None Yes ($1,450) Multi Head 18k BTU HVAC Blowers/Condenser None Yes ($1,970) EVENT 5 Enter InformationName* First Last Email* Phone*What is Your Timeline?* 0-6 months 7-12 months 1 year or more Not sure, I'm just curious Do you have a location?* Yes Maybe No Preferred contact method?* Phone call Email TOTAL SCORESCOREHOME PRICE